
I kept finding myself drawn back toward AI/ML research around this period. There are probably several reasons why.


It’s probably a mixture of all of the above, honestly, and maybe something more. A lot of it is that I’m garbage at math and objectively need to improve to be more well-rounded.

Regardless, when I saw Ronald Kneusel’s Practical Deep Learning (affiliate link, because C.R.E.A.M) at Books-a-Million during the five minute break I got while my kids were playing with their sticker book and my wife was working on her doctorate, I decided today was the day I started to take a crack at it.

Thus, the study sessions begin. I’ll be writing these up as frequently as I can as an informal transfer of notes and knowledge. Hopefully it will help give back to folks who are half a step behind me, and I hope that the folks who are 1+ steps ahead of me are patient with me.

Session One: Practical Deep Learning

Practical Deep Learning is, thus far, a good book. I’m ~50 pages in on the first day, but a lot of that I skipped because it’s Python primer.

Off the jump, things I’m less thrilled about with the book:

The pros, though, thus far outweigh the cons.