DevCheats DevLog #2 - Code Snippet Upload Complete(ish)

DevCheats DevLog #2 - Code Snippet Upload Complete(ish)

One of the big features for Dev CheatSheets I envisioned is the ability to upload, edit, share and store short code snippets in multiple languages. This is important both for the personal knowledge management feature set, as well as the social feature set for Dev CheatSheets.

Last night, I completed the initial version of the code upload feature using UploadThing!

I've got code snippet uploads divided up into two parts: the metadata storage portion where metadata about the code, number of lines, size, language, user information, etc. are stored in a standard database, while the code itself is stored with a limited subset of metadata in object storage (UploadThing, which is really just a super convenient wrapper for S3). This means that I get the benefits of parsing out some metadata about a file but I don't have to store the entire file object as a big string in a database. I can also parse out information from the code snippets like libraries used, embedded strings, etc. which opens up some super interesting potential features in the future!

I go a bit more in-depth about Dev CheatSheets development in the weekly newsletter. You should check it out!


Marketing was a bit slower this week, which is fine. I really need to build out some features first to market it. I did, reluctantly, get back on Twitter.

The newsletter did grow to 95 recipients this week, which is pretty awesome!

Next up I'm planning on adding some information to the landing page to give folks more of a feel of what I'm planning for Dev CheatSheets, working on some SEO optimizations, etc. I'm trying really hard to dedicate a fair bit of time to marketing since I tend to bury myself in code, but it's hard when you don't have any features to market, so that balance is important.

The Next Week of Development

Over the next week, I'm going to really nail the personal knowledge management side of Dev CheatSheets with the following features:

  • Finished code snippet upload
  • Link storage
  • Notes management - I want users to be able to store notes about resources they upload so that you're not just uploading a code blob and leaving it there to hopefully remember later
  • Tagging - it would be ideal if users could tag certain snippets and links so that they can be searchable later

I'm also going to round out the authentication so that users can use email/pass, Discord, etc. to log in.

That's about it for this week! Check out the newsletter to get weekly updates on Dev CheatSheets development